Category: On-Demand Economy

5 scenarios to know before stacking delivery jobs

5 Scenarios to Know Before Stacking Delivery Jobs

The most obvious way to keep the difference between these two time minimal, and as a result, increase your earning, is to stack jobs. But before you run off and start stacking jobs, it’s important to know which jobs you should and shouldn’t stack. All jobs are stackable, but not all stacks are practical. A good way to know which jobs are practical to stack is to look at the Pickup and Drop-off locations. I typically analyze these locations relative to each other before moving forward with a stack.

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How Courier Can Kill Food Delivery Startups by Stacking Platforms

Apparently, there is a pattern going on right now that can ultimately destroy the food delivery gig for every party involved: the companies, the customers, the couriers, and the restaurants. In this article, I want to show you how couriers can, without being aware of it, bring the whole system down, by trying to make more money by stacking platforms. I’ll also provide recommendations to address this so that couriers don’t ruin the whole system.

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