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Dress code to influence number of tips

Does Your Dress Code Influence The Number Of Tips You Receive?

Working as a delivery driver in the gig economy can be empowering. So, when you work for yourself, you feel like you answer to no one. You can work for who you want, when you want, and have a dress code you want, too. However, while this may be true, the last bit can make a difference to what you take home in tips at the end of the day.

Do Appearances Matter?

We are told not to judge a book by its cover. And yet we do. Appearances matter. And our senses play an important role in how we perceive people, things, and situations. A study has revealed that sight is the first thing that influences human perception. First impressions are vital, especially when you don’t have much time to change them.

Why Do You Need a Dress Code for Success?

Clothing is a big part of your appearance. How you dress can make a difference to the way others perceive you. Based on a study, small wardrobe changes can affect others’ judgments about your personal and professional qualities. Depending on what you wear, people see you as frivolous or serious, proficient or incompetent, shady or trustworthy. But, why is this important? Because what people think about you affects how much they are likely to tip you. And, as a courier, tips can make a big difference to your earnings.

Can Colors Make a Difference to Tips?

In a research article, waitresses were asked to wear the same tee shirt in different colors to see how it affected tips. They found that male customers were likely to give waitresses dressed in red more tips. The difference was anywhere between 15% and 26%. The reason? Men perceived women who wore red as more attractive. Another piece of research suggests that this is also true the other way around.

Have a Dress Code to Get More Tips

Delivery companies have their own branded gear. Wearing a uniform can make you look more professional. It shows that you’ve put effort into your appearance. For customers, the delivery experience starts with placing the order and ends when they receive the food. Restaurants will want a well-dressed and groomed person delivering their food. As will customers. This can increase your odds of getting a better tip.

Both GrubHub and DoorDash have red t-shirts that couriers can use for delivery. It’s hard to say whether any of the studies mentioned influenced their choice of color. But, apart from perceptions, wearing red can help in other ways, too. The big players in online food delivery have red gear. When you wear a color, restaurant staff can instantly spot you. They know that you’re there for a pickup. So getting noticed can save you time during busy hours. This means you spend less time waiting and can deliver faster. Quick deliveries mean happy customers and more tips.


When you’re out delivering, you want to make as much money as possible. Some things you have no control over. Your dress code is not one of them. Making an effort to look professional can boost your chances of getting a big tip. Dressing in red can help in more ways than one. If you don’t want to wear company-issued gear, you can wear any red shirt. Try it and see the difference it can make to your bottom line.


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