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How to Deliver safely as a woman

How To Deliver Safely As A Woman

Working as a delivery driver may not seem like a dangerous job. But based on a 2019 US Bureau of Labor Statistics census, delivery workers ranked seventh in the list of occupational fatal injury rates. While vehicular accidents are a big reason for this, falls and crime is also responsible. While all delivery persons are prone to risks, women are more vulnerable to assault. Here are some ways for women delivery drivers to improve safety when on the gig.

Safety Tips For Women Delivery Drivers

Safety Basics

Avoid branding your vehicle with the company logo and wearing a uniform. These can put a target on your back. Park your vehicle near the exits in a well-lit area so you can make a quick escape if things go south. Lock the car doors whether you’re inside or outside the vehicle. Don’t enter homes or hotel rooms under any circumstances. Doing so can make you susceptible to assault. When dropping off orders at a hotel, deliver at the front desk. In a threatening situation, activate your car’s remote alarm (if it has one) to attract attention. Always keep an arm’s length from others. Approach customers and request them not to approach you. Exuding confidence when walking to and from your car can also deter attacks.

Equip Yourself

Carry a taser, pepper spray, and rape whistle and keep them within reach at all times. Unlike knives, they are not as deadly if dropped in a struggle and used against you. 

Carry a flashlight to illuminate dark areas. When it’s dark, this will help you light up the path ahead, see who’s approaching, and avoid falls.

Drive Safe

When you’re on the road, ensure that you follow all the rules. Drive at safe speeds and take extra care during bad weather. Try to keep your car in good working condition, so you’re not stranded in deserted places.

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Be Vigilant

Always be aware of your surroundings. Trust your gut. If something doesn’t feel right, prioritize your safety over the delivery. If you suspect someone is tailing you, pull into a crowded parking lot and wait for them to pass. Stay in the vehicle and call the police, if your suspicions are confirmed

Scan the location before exiting the car. If an address looks deserted or vacant, contact the customer. Ask them to switch on the lights or meet you outside. If you find anyone suspicious loitering around the delivery location, stay in your car and get help, or drive away. If you’re delivering after dark in an area that is not well-lit, use your car headlights to illuminate the entrance. Always use an access point in plain view and, if possible, keep your back against a wall or solid object while you wait. This technique can reduce the chances of being ambushed. Keep an eye out for CCTV cameras. If possible, park and stay in their view during delivery.

Avoid Carrying Valuables to Ensure Safety

Carry as little cash as possible. Don’t carry expensive phones. These can make you a target for robberies. Keep your car free of valuable goods.

Stay Close to Home Territory

Try to pick orders in areas you know well. Steer clear of places with high-crime. Accepting orders after dark can put you at a greater risk. So try to schedule daytime shifts.

Keep Someone Informed

Inform someone you trust, a friend or a family member, about your location before you step out of your car to deliver. Let them know when you’ve completed the order. This way, if they don’t hear from you in a few minutes and can’t reach you, they can inform the police.


While the tips mentioned should keep you out of harm’s way, there are no guarantees. You must be extra cautious as a woman. If you ever find yourself in a dangerous situation, do your best to get out of it as safely as possible. Your safety and life are more valuable than any amount of money.

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